Everything by Prayer !

No one is worthy of doing anything in this kingdom, if he hasn't PRAYED.


There is something we know that works anyday, anytime, It is PRAYER.


A man that is weak on his ALTAR is weak eveywhere else.

Our President, Apostle Edu Udechukwu

Apostle Edu Udechukwu is a man of prayer, A Revivalist, A Discipler, A Teacher par excellence, An Apostle to Nations and a Prophet of God.

Born on the 26th of June to the family of Late Rev. Dr. Josiah Udechukwu and Rev. Mrs Ogochukwu Udechukwu (Both indigenes of Akaboezem, Uruagu, Nnewi, Anambra State); he received a heritage of an Evangelical Christian Faith. From His early years, he had believed in the Power and significance of the Spoken Word and that all of its exposition and application should be vitally related to the actual and growing need of the Spiritual life of representative bodies of God's people. Being the first among five children, he began his Pacesetting from His Basic Education; completed at Dennis Memorial Grammar School and His tertiary Education at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka where he studied Food science and Technology.

During these years in the university, he also served under a ministry as an Ushering Department Leader, Cell Leader and Pastor from 2008 to 2014. It was then that an undying hunger for God drew him to the backsides of the mountain where he began to learn the ways of fasting and prayer. Consistency in seeking, cries of the spirit and desperation led to an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in his hostel room on campus, this was the hallmark and a testament of a true beginning in his journey that led to entering campgrounds with a sent mentality.

He did his National Youth Service in Abeokuta, Ogun state where he served as the State Prayer Secretary of the Nigeria Christian Corpers' Fellowship (NCCF) from 2014 to 2015. The deepest impressions of His service came from His prayer life and its challenge to those who gathered with him at the family house. It was during this year that he entered the wombs of revival; Groanings and travails, sighs and weeping, Agonies of the Spirit – Birthpangs. Giving expressions to his encounters and heavenly visions, he continued on the path of spiritual progress, with much diligence, obedience, focus and importunity. The testimony of his pursuit became likened unto the Patriarchs of faith, who through patience and longsuffering sought for a city, whose builder and maker is God which necessitated him to enter hallowed consecrations and master stewarding his hunger into consistent spiritual disciplines....

about us

Prayer, Purity, Power

Revivalhub Intl. is a fellowship of Believers in Christ Jesus that have the desire to establish the kingdom of our Lord through intense workings of the Holy Spirit in and through men.

We believe in the power of prayer, labor, travails, burdens, spiritual hunger, and discipleship.
We understand that the project of God can only be executed by Sons therefore, our major focus is to provide God with useable vessels for His project in this end time. Our focus is on raising Sons for God – Sons is gender inclusive and do not necessarily mean “male”.

Some of our prominent meetings include;

  1. Weekly Birthpangs (Tuesday - Thursdays) 5:00pm daily
  2. 50 Days of Pentecost
  3. 24 Hours with Jesus
  4. Prayer and Prophetic Conference
  5. International Sonship Conference





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